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SB&CS Released! Now what?

Well, I have to make this post. Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells, my star and sorcery, heavy metal science fantasy RPG with an updated version of Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells engine. You can find it on the links below.

Standard Cover (DriveThruRPG):

Special Cover (DriveThruRPG):

Special Cover (Lulu):

For those that are curious about the game but are afraid of spending your hard earned money on it, here you can find the complete text of the game and the character and vehicle sheets. Go ahead, read it, play it and make your decision later.

If you need a quick blur: This is an old school style RPG with modern rules and a post-apocalyptic far future mystic setting where the many galactic tyrants want not only your blood, but your soul. It’s space barbarians, alien sorcerers, brash pilots and psionic androids fighting side by side to remain free and earn enough credits for a good ale on the next startport.

But now what? Well, I am as of right now laying out Dark Streets & Darker Secrets, my street and sorcery RPG, based on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, Grimm, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, X-Files and other series. You can check out the complete game text here too.

Additionally, I am about to layout André Novoa’s excellent adventure for Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells called The Egyptian Situation from Outer Time, where the PCs will stumble upon time travellers from our own earth, coming from far in the future, and Egyptian priest and mummies! All that in the crazy universe of Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells.

I am also writing and honing the text of Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells second edition, which is updating the game, compiling all that has been made for it and adding more tools for Referees and players to make their game do the heavy lifting for them and generate adventures and hooks as they play!

Finally, I have written a d6 based system for daring adventures with an old school feel, but is classless and plays with risks, called Daring Dice. I plan on publishing it in Zine format, making it available as Creative Commons, and trying to convince others to produce things for it. Issue 0 (the system) and issue 1 (a mini-setting) are already written.

So, let’s see how well I do in these various projects! All of that while trying to keep this blog updated and with interesting things.

If you like what you've just read, check out my books over RPGNow and Lulu.

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