I am ashamed to only be doing this now, but SB&CS took some time out of my life (but it’s for a good cause, I promised).
Last year, I posted about a Adventure Idea contest to give away copies of SS&SS and the Addendum. The number of copies given away would vary according to the number of contestants. However, we just had 10 entries, so that is just one bundle to give away.
Before announcing the winner, I would like to post here the name of all contestants and the name of their entry. If I am missing anyone, PLEASE, let me know so I can correct this and draw a winner with all the entries. I may have missed one or two, who knows.
- Dan Davis - The Archway of the Oneiric Fortress
- Jason Marby - The Chamber in the Swamp of Death
- Bruno Araujo - The Chamber in the Swamp of Death
- Black Barth - The Tourney of the Unforgiving Warrior
- Diego Santos - The Battle of the Obsidian pyramid
- Gary Anastasio - The Orb of the Eternal Merchant
- Jim Miller - The Bard of the Frozen Woods
- Cezar Capacle - The Wall of the Loathsome Master
- Paul Go - The Scorching Fortress
- Joseph Sarunic - The Savage Shrine
I believe this is all! I loved all of them and I think they will look pretty cool in a compiled, laid out, PDF with some illustrations! So, within 2 weeks if no one else reminds me of any entry that I happen to miss, I will be drawing a winner from the 10 entries presented here and contact the chosen one to send them their free copies of SS&SS and the Addendum!
Until them, check out the Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells IndieGoGo campaign and help us out spreading the word about it! We have a little over 10 days left!
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