I’ve been posting some of the process of creating and writing my current project on this blog for a few months and it has come the time to finally share with you the result of all that work. Well, something like that.
Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells is a much bigger project than Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells was, even counting the Addendum. SB&CS has pretty much all the rules on both of these books, but now with examples to make everything clearer, and a complete setting toolkit!
The rules are a revised version of the ones in SS&SS books, and we add in some psionics mechanics and vehicle battles. But where the book really shines is in the setting toolkit and feel.
This is a game about sword and sorcery adventures amongst the stars. The universe is grim, unforgiving, controlled by cruel sorcerous despots. The PCs can oppose them, serve them or simply try to survive their tyranny and earn some Credits in less than honorable ways.
Anyway, the full draft text of the came is available on the IndieGoGo page in the updates section. This link will lead you directly to it.
For the campaign, go to http://igg.me/at/SBnCS!
And please, spread the word! We already reached our initial goal, but every extra funding will go directly to artists and other people contributing to the campaign, doing editing and proofreading! Help us make this book awesome!
If you like what you've just read, check out my books over RPGNow and Lulu.